Do bicycles have to have brakes in Oregon?
Oregon law requires a bicycle to be equipped with a brake. ORS 815.280. However, the law does not just require that a bicycle have a...

Do buses have the right-of-way over bicyclists in the bike lane in Oregon?
In Oregon, the right-of-way of a bicyclist riding in the bicycle lane is one of the most pure rights-of-way there is in the traffic code....

Are bicyclists required to give a signal when passing pedestrians?
Yes, a bicyclist, when passing pedestrians on a sidewalk, must give “an audible signal”. ORS 814.410(1)(b). Where it gets tricky is in...

Can an electric assist bicycle operate on the sidewalk in Oregon?
One of the most surprising laws in Oregon is that e-assist bicycles are banned, statewide, from being operated on the sidewalk. E-assist...

Does an Oregon Bicyclist Have to Obey the Same Laws as a Motor Vehicle Driver?
Yes, a bicyclist in Oregon has to follow all of the same “Rules of the Road” as a motor vehicle driver. A bicycle is a vehicle and Oregon...

Oregon's Bicycle Lighting Laws
In Oregon, bicycle lights and reflectors are required to be used in certain circumstances: when it is dark or when weather conditions...

Oregon's Bicycle Helmet Law
Oregon has a mandatory bicycle helmet law for riders under 16 years of age. What that means is that if a child is 15 or younger they are...

It is illegal to ride your bike on the Lafayette Street Pedestrian Crossing
The other day while on my regular ride from home to downtown, I noticed this sign at the new Lafayette Street bridge where I cross the...

Getting away with it: how Oregon police are toothless to cite bad drivers.
In my work providing legal advice and a legal voice for Oregon’s bicyclists, I often hear about times when a road user reports a...