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Oregon bicycle law blog

Bloomberg: Why ‘Vision Zero’ Hit a Wall

David Zipper writing for explores why the "Vision Zero" movement has failed to achieve its goals in America.

Key quote:

Despite Vision Zero being one of the hottest ideas in traffic safety, its European success has not translated across the Atlantic. Current trends suggest that is unlikely to change, absent a fundamental rethink around policy implementation.
“Vision Zero had something of a honeymoon phase,” said Leah Shahum, director of the nonprofit Vision Zero Network. “Now we’re butting up against the system.”

Portland has adopted the "Vision Zero" goal and its struggle with disappointing results is mentioned in the article. The city's Vision Zero Task Force was dissolved in January 2021, although the program itself continues.

Read the full article to find out "Why 'Vision Zero' Hit a Wall."

Learn more about Portland's Vision Zero program here.

Charley Gee is an experienced and highly rated personal injury attorney. He represents people who have been injured in motor vehicle collisions in lawsuits against corporations, insurance companies and the government. He takes pride in representing pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers across Oregon.


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