What to do if your bike is stolen
It’s a cyclist’s worst nightmare - Your bike is gone. Stolen. Whether from the rack in front of your apartment, your backyard, or off...
Oregon Vulnerable Roadway User law
Oregon’s Vulnerable Roadway User (VRU) Law is not a stand-alone law. It is an enhanced penalty that can be levied when a driver violates...
Does an Oregon Bicyclist have to Yield to Pedestrians in a Crosswalk
Here the answer is simple: yes. Oregon cyclists riding on the "highway" must follow all of the same laws that motor vehicle operators...
Can Cars Park in Bike Lanes in Oregon?
Like a lot of things in the law the answer to whether cars can park in bike lanes is: it depends. This is in opposition to the common...
Can cyclists pass cars on the right in Oregon?
While most vehicles are prohibited from passing another vehicle on the right in Oregon, bicyclists are allowed a special exception. ORS...
Do I have to ride as far the right as practicable in a bicycle lane in Oregon?
The quick answer: no. A rider can ride in any position in a bicycle lane and still be riding legally. ORS 814.430 requires Oregon...

How do I legally pass a bicyclist in Oregon?
The key word in all the laws regulating how bicyclists are to be passed in Oregon is: safely. Any vehicle operator must always pass...

Oregon's Dangerous Street Drain Law
Oregon has a statutory law against dangerous street drains. This law is reflective of Oregon’s progressive safety laws. However, it is...

What is an electric assisted bicycle?
An electric assisted bicycle (also called an e-assist bike or an electric bike) has the same legal status as an unassisted bicycle in...
Can passengers ride on a bicycle in Oregon?
Yes, a bicycle can legally carry a passenger in Oregon so long as the bicycle was designed to carry the number of passengers aboard. ORS...