One quirk of Oregon’s Bike Laws is that the state legislature left certain subjects of the law open for the local towns and cities to make their own rules. That means that each town or city a bicyclist rides in may have laws dating back to the 1930s or earlier controlling their conduct with harsh penalties for violations like fines in excess of $1,000 or even confiscation of the bicycle.
If you don’t see your town here and would like me to research and list the local laws please contact me at or (503) 278-5389.
13.08.030 Bicycle. “Bicycle” means every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is over 20 inches in diameter. (Ord. 2751 § 2(b), 1957).
13.40.140 Riding on sidewalks. No person shall ride or operate any bicycle upon a sidewalk in a business district. Any person riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian. (Ord. 4656 § 1, 1984; Ord. 2751 § 63, 1957).
13.40.150 Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street or upon a sidewalk except in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. (Ord. 4656 § 1, 1984; Ord. 2751 § 64, 1957).
Updated 3/2017
10.68.210 Vehicles - Use restricted
A. No one shall ride or drive any bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, motor vehicle, truck, wagon, horse, or any vehicle or animal in any part of the parks, except on the regular drives designated therefore; provided that baby carriages, wheelchairs, and such vehicles as are used in the park service are not included in the foregoing prohibition. No one shall ride or be upon any skateboard in any part of Lithia Park. (Ord 626 S21, 1916; Ord 3026, 2010)
10.68.410 Greenway Rules and Regulations The Jackson County Greenway Ordinance, as described and recorded with the city recorder pursuant to a City of Ashland ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATION OF ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE BEAR CREEK GREENWAY IN THE CITY OF ASHLAND, ” Ordinance Number 2854, adopted February 15, 2000, applies within the City of Ashland. A violation of the Jackson County Greenway Ordinance is a violation of this chapter and punishable as provided in section 10.68.350. The Jackson County Greenway Ordinance is set forth in this section for convenience of reference:
1228.03 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of Sections 1228.02 to 1228.09, unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions apply:
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(d) “Bicycle” has the meaning given that term in ORS 801.150.
(q) “Skate” or “Skating” means roller skating, skate boarding or roller blading, or otherwise the use or application of a similar contrivance propelled exclusively by human power.
JACKSON COUNTY ORDINANCE 99-41 – 1228.04 INTENDED USES. The Greenway is intended for multiple use for recreational and non-motorized transportation activities. None of the provisions of the Bear Creek Greenway Ordinance relieves the pedestrian or relieves the cyclist, skater, or equestrian from the duty to exercise due care concerning other users of the Greenway or adjacent land owners.
(a) All Greenway users should maintain their own common or standard lane of travel without impeding travel of other users.
(b) Bicyclists and skaters yield to all other trail users, and hikers yield to equestrians.
(c) Unless otherwise marked, Greenway users are permitted only on paths or paved trails specifically designed for such use.
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JACKSON COUNTY ORDINANCE 99-41 – 1228.06 REGULATIONS; PROHIBITIONS. All regulations of the Greenway shall apply to and be in full force and effect within the Greenway area unless otherwise specifically authorized by Sections 1228.02 to 1228.09 or by declaration of the Greenway Authority or local unit of government independent of each other as a representative of each applicable jurisdictional boundary affected by the Greenway.
(a) Closure: No person shall enter the Greenway or area which has been closed if notice of prohibited entry has been posted.
(b) Basic Speed Rule:
(1) A person commits the offense of violating the basic speed rule if the person drives bicycles, skates or rides a horse upon the Greenway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to all the following:
A. The traffic.
B. The surface and width of the pathway.
C. The hazard at intersections.
D. Weather.
E. Visibility.
F. Any other conditions then existing.
(2) In no case shall a person drive a bicycle, skate or ride a horse in speeds in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.
(c) Obstruction of the Right of Way: No person, unless specifically authorized, shall:
(1) Stand, gather with others upon any street, street crossing, sidewalk, trail or area within the Greenway in a manner that obstructs free passage of users of the Greenway; or
(2) Place, cause to be placed, or permit to remain on any street, sidewalk, trail or area within the Greenway anything that obstructs or interferes with such area or interferes with the normal flow of users of the Greenway.
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11.08.030 Bicycle Means a device propelled by human power upon which a person may ride, having two (2) or more tandem wheels either of which is over twenty (20) inches in diameter. (Ord. 1557 S2(2), 1968).
11.16.120 Clinging to Vehicles No person riding upon a bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself to a moving vehicle upon the streets. Clinging to vehicles is a Class II violation.
(Ord 1557 S39, 1968; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.030 Regulations
A. Riding on sidewalks in the C-1-D District. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle on a sidewalk in the district or commercial zone. Riding on sidewalks in the C-1- D District is a Class IV violation.
B. Racing. No person shall engage in, or cause others to engage in, a bicycle race upon the streets or any other public property of this City without permission of the City Administrator. Major races involving closure or restructuring of city streets must be permitted pursuant to AMC 11.12.050. Racing is a Class IV violation.
C. Method of Riding. A person shall not ride a bicycle other than with their feet on the pedals and facing the front of the bicycle. No bicycle shall carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is equipped. Method of riding is a Class IV violation.
D. Carrying Articles. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any packages, bundles, or articles which prevent the rider from keeping at least one (1) hand upon the handlebars and in full control of said bicycle. Carrying articles is a Class IV violation.
E. Traffic Regulations. The use of a bicycle in the City shall be subject to all of the provisions or laws of the State and the laws of the City, including those applicable to the drivers of motor vehicles, except as to the latter, those provisions that by their very nature have no application.
F. Speed on Bicycle Routes. No bicycle shall be ridden on a bicycle route at a speed greater than reasonable and prudent for the circumstances when approaching a pedestrian. Speed on bicycle routes is a Class IV violation.
G. Riding Abreast. No person shall ride a bicycle upon any street, highway, bicycle route or lane in the City abreast, or side-by-side of any other person so riding or propelling a bicycle when it interferes or impedes the normal and reasonable movement of traffic or pedestrians. Riding abreast is a Class IV violation.
H. Hitching on Vehicles. No person, while riding a bicycle shall in any way attaches themselves or the bicycle to any other moving vehicle. Hitching on vehicles is a Class II violation.
I. Bicycle Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street, other than in the roadway and against the curb, or against a lamppost designated for bicycle parking, or in a rack provided for the purpose of supporting bicycles, or on the curb in a manner so as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. Bicycle parking is a Class IV violation.
J. Bicycle Impoundment. In addition to any other penalty, the court may order impoundment of a bicycle used in an offense committed under this chapter until such time as may appear just and reasonable.
(Ord. 1787 S3, 1973; Ord. 2439 S1, 1988; Ord. 2606 S2, 1990; Ord 2986, 2009; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.060 Failure to Report Accidents The operator of any bicycle involved in an accident resulting in injury, death, or damage to personal property shall within seventy-two (72) hours file a written report of such accident with the Police Department. Failure to report accidents is a Class II violation.
(Ord 1787 S6, 1973; Ord 2439, 1988; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.070 Bicycle License Required No persons shall operate a bicycle upon the streets, lanes or routes of the City unless such bicycle has been licensed as provided for in this Chapter. A non-resident who has complied with the bicycle registration provisions of the city or county in which they are a resident may operate a bicycle without having first acquired an Ashland bicycle license. Bicycle license required is a Class IV violation. In addition to any other penalty, the court may order impoundment of a bicycle used in an offense until such time as may appear just and reasonable. (Ord 1891 S1 (part), 1973; Ord 1787 S10, 1973; Ord 2439, 1988; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.080 Issuance of License The Police Department, or a bicycle shop in Ashland approved by the Police Department, is authorized and directed to issue, upon written application, bicycle licenses. Such license shall be valid for the life of the bicycle from the date of issuance, as long as the license is clearly legible and the ownership of the bicycle is not transferred to another. When a bicycle that is licensed pursuant to this Chapter is sold or transferred to another person who is also a resident of the City, then the new owner or such bicycle shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of transfer, acquire a new license. Designated agencies or shops shall report such transaction to the Police Department each month and with appropriate fees and forms. (Ord 1791 S1, 1973; Ord 1787 S11, 1973; Ord 2114 S1, 1981; Ord 2439, 1988)
11.52.090 License Tags - Registration Cards The City shall provide license tags together with a registration card for each bicycle license issued pursuant to this Chapter. The license tag shall have numbers stamped thereon in numerical order, beginning with number 1; shall have the name of the City printed thereon; and shall be suitable for attachment to the bicycle at a place designated by the Chief of Police. The Police Department shall keep a record of information for each bicycle licensed in order to assist with the recovery of lost or stolen bicycles. (Ord 1791 S1, 1973; Ord 1787 S12, 1973; Ord 2439, 1988)
11.52.100 License Fee Each bicycle license shall be issued upon compliance with the foregoing provisions and upon payment of the required fee as set forth in a Resolution adopted by the City Council. (Ord 1791 S1, 1973; Ord 1787 S13, 1973; Ord 2114 S2, 1981; Ord 2439, 1988)
Updated 3/2017
13.08.030 Bicycle. “Bicycle” means every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is over 20 inches in diameter. (Ord. 2751 § 2(b), 1957).
13.40.140 Riding on sidewalks. No person shall ride or operate any bicycle upon a sidewalk in a business district. Any person riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian. (Ord. 4656 § 1, 1984; Ord. 2751 § 63, 1957).
13.40.150 Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street or upon a sidewalk except in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. (Ord. 4656 § 1, 1984; Ord. 2751 § 64, 1957).
Updated 3/2017